Manager, Learning Solutions

About Rebecca Hoke

Rebecca Hoke is a Manager of Instructional Design, Learning Solutions. She is passionate about developing positive, impactful learning experiences and using learning design to engage learners and create enduring behavior change.

Previously, Rebecca was a Product Manager and Senior Instructional Designer, Learning Solutions, at McLean & Company, where she managed self-paced academy programs and focused on transforming actionable, best-practice research into dynamic learning experiences.

Rebecca also held roles as manager on McLean & Company’s HR Research & Advisory team where she focused on research in the areas of learning & development and talent management, and on the IT Leadership Training team, developing leadership training sessions and learning reinforcements.

Rebecca has earned a Certificate in Adult Learning and Development from OISE, University of Toronto, a Master of Library and Information Science degree, and a Combined Honors Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Comparative Literature and Culture from Western University.

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McLean & Company
345 Ridout Street North, London, ON, Canada N6A 2N8
251 - 1000 Employees